Holly Zanville

Holly Zanville
Research Professor
Dr. Holly Zanville joined the GW Institute of Public Policy in January 2021 as a Research Professor and Co-Director of the Program on Skills, Credentials & Workforce Policy. She served as Co-Lead of the national initiative, Credential As You Go from 2021-2024; and founder/lead of the Learn & Work Ecosystem Library. She serves on the Leadership Advisory Board for the Credential Lab at the Higher Learning Commission.
Zanville is a former strategy director at Lumina Foundation, where she focused on the work-and-learn ecosystem, including the future of work. In her 15 year tenure at Lumina, Zanville focused especially on adult students and non-degree, workforce-relevant credentials, leading national initiatives such as Connecting Credentials, Credential Engine, and Credit When It’s Due. She also led research on how industry certifications are embedded in college programs, and was the architect of the Learn-and-Work Ecosystem Guide. Holly has a substantial history of speaking and writing about the meaning and value of credentials beyond high school
Prior to joining Lumina in 2006, Zanville served as senior administrator/chief academic officer for the Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board, associate vice chancellor for academic affairs in the Oregon University System, state coordinator for Oregon Joint Boards K-20 Redesign Initiative, and director of economic development and regional internship programs for the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). She has held academic appointments in teaching, assessment of prior learning, grants management, and higher education policy and practice at colleges and universities in Iowa, Minnesota, Texas, and Oregon.
Zanville holds a BA from Lindenwood University, MA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and PhD from the University of Minnesota. She received the 2015 Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Minnesota’s College of Education and Human Development for “bold efforts across the educational spectrum to modernize and optimize the structures, systems, and processes that impact student success.” She has also served on the Board of Directors for the Humane Society for Hamilton County, Indiana.
- Zanville, H. (November 2024). The Learn & Work Ecosystem Library: Cultivating a Garden of Data and Information to Grow Knowledge and Wisdom. Learn & Work Ecosystem Library.
- Zanville, H. (November 2024). LER Accelerator Inventory Yields Important Early Lessons. The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. (October 2024). Curating Actionable Knowledge Amid Uncertainty in Higher Ed. The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. and Johnson, E. (July 2, 2024). Search Engine Optimization, Artificial Intelligence, and the Role of the Learn & Work Ecosystem Library. Learn & Work Ecosystem Library
- Zanville, H. ( June 2024 ). Why is the Learn & Work Ecosystem Library Playing a Game of Giant Steps? Learn & Work Ecosystem Library
- Zanville, H. and Valdez, M. (June 6, 2024). Lessons Learned from Employers to Improve the Learn/Work Ecosystem Part 2: Skills-Based Hiring and Other Innovations. The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. and Valdez, M. (May 22, 2024 ). Lessons Learned from Employers to Improve the Learn/Work Ecosystem Part 1: Human Capability Frameworks. The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. and Travers, N. (May 14, 2024). 884: Redesigning Higher Ed for the Future - with Dr. Nan Travers & Dr. Holly Zanville, Co-Leads, Credential As You Go. EdUP Podcast.
- Barty, G.; Boyer, N; Chrysikos, A.; Griffith, M.; House, K., Laughlin, T.; Ossiannilson, E.; Ward, R.; Zanville, H. (April 2024). Chapter 23 in Creating the University of the Future: A Global View on Future Skills and Future Higher Education. Editors: Ulf-Daniel Ehlers and Laura Eigbrecht. Springer VS.
- Zanville, H. (Mar 11, 2024). The Colorado Re-Engaged Initiative: Recognizing Learning for Non-Credential Students. The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. (Jan 16, 2024). How Is the Learn-and-Work Ecosystem Like an Ecological Ecosystem—And Why Does This Matter? The EvoLLLution.
- Credential As You Go Playbooks (first/corresponding author):
- Graduate Education in Incremental Credentialing (2024)
- Building a Communications and Marketing Plan for Individual Incremental Credentials (2023)
- Building a Communications and Marketing Strategy in a State or Institution for Incremental Credentialing (2023)
- Policy in Incremental Credentialing (2023)
- Quality, Trust, and Value of Incremental Credentials (2023)
- Credential As You Go Reports (first/corresponding author):
- Moving from a Degree-Centric Postsecondary System to an Incremental Credentialing System: What Happens to Learners’ Financing Options?(2024)
- Lessons Learned & Milestones in Credential As You Go (2021-2023)
- Credential As You Go – Mapping Key Learn-and-Work Ecosystem Initiatives/Alliances Research Brief (2023)
- Report on Policies & Initiatives Related to Credential As You Go Research Brief (2023)
- Report on Policies & Initiatives Related to Credential As You Go (2023)
- Zanville, H. (Nov 22, 2023). Views from Leaders: Top Questions in Incremental Credentialing. The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. (Sep 19, 2023). What’s Beyond Mapping the Learn-and-Work Ecosystem & Key Efforts. The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. (Jul 31, 2023). Finding and Preparing A Diverse Research Talent Pipeline: Part 2. The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. (Jul 11, 2023). Finding And Preparing A Diverse Research Talent Pipeline: Part 1. The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. (Mar 22, 2023). Are Accreditors Ready for an Incremental Credentialing System? Part 3, The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. (Mar 15, 2023). Are Accreditors Ready for an Incremental Credentialing System? Part 2. The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. (Mar 7, 2023). Are Accreditors Ready for an Incremental Credentialing System? Part 1. The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. (Nov 23, 2022). A Learn & Work Ecosystem Library: The Why, What & Who. The EvoLLLution
- Zanville. H. (September 1, 2022). The Stories Behind Service Matter The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H; Travers, N. (August 26, 2022). Transforming the Nation’s Degree-Centric Postsecondary System to an Incremental Credential System Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning. 54:5, 4-11, DOI: 10.1080/00091383.2022.2101859
- Caballero, A.; Gallagher, S.; Shapiro, H.; Zanville, H. (July 5, 2022). Microcredentials: A new category of education is rising UniversityWorldNews.com
- Zanville, H.; Hochstein M. (February 16, 2022). Developing a Digital Learn-and-Work Ecosystem Library: Laying the Groundwork for Library Ontology Program on Skills, Credentials, and Workforce Policy
- Zanville, H. (June 30, 2022). Bring in the Translators and Decoders: The Language of Credentialing Needs Help – Part Four. The EvoLLLution
- Zanville. H. (June 23, 2022). Bring in the Translators and Decoders: The Language of Credentialing Needs Help – Part Three. The EvoLLLution
- Zanville. H. (June 16, 2022). Bring in the Translators and Decoders: The Language of Credentialing Needs Help – Part Two. The EvoLLLution
- Zanville. H. (June 9, 2022). Bring in the Translators and Decoders: The Language of Credentialing Needs Help – Part One. The EvoLLLution
- Knestis, K. & Zanville. H. (May 3, 2022). Reflections On Conducting Research in A Changing Credentialing Ecosystem. Credential As You Go
- Institutional Accreditation at the Crossroads: Drivers for Change, EVOLVING: Accreditation and the Credential Landscape (04/05/2022)
- Zanville, H/ (4/5/2022). Flying the Skills Plane with Duct Tape and Chewing Gum: The Design Challenges—Part Three. The EvoLLLution
- Zanville, H. (3/29/2022). Flying the Skills Plane with Duct Tape and Chewing Gum: The Design Challenges—Part Two, EvoLLLution
- Zanville, H. (3/22/2022). Flying the Skills Plane with Duct Tape and Chewing Gum: The Design Challenges - Part One. EvoLLLution
- Definitions and Use of Key Terms and Concepts in Incremental Credentialing, Credential As You Go (03/08/2022)
- Zanville, H. (2/24/2022). Toy Design Shops for K-12 and Higher Education: The Key Role of Credential-As-You-Go. The EvoLLLution
- Zanville. H. (1/19/2022). Lesson Learned for Digital Badges and Credentialing from a 2021 Season’s Greeting Card. The EvoLLLution.
- Conversations on Credential As You Go (Nan Travers, Peter Smith, Holly Zanville). (1/11/2022). The EvoLLLution.
- How Do Microcredentials Stack Up? Part 2 (with Jackie Pichette) Evolllution (10/14/2021)
- How Do Microcredentials Stack Up? Part 1 (with Jackie Pichette). (10/14/2021). EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. & Travers, N. (10/8/2021).Is Incremental Credentialing Compatible with Institutional Accreditation? Part 1 & 2. The EvoLLLution.
- The Importance of Incremental Credentialing: State Policy Organization View (with Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield). (8/5/2021. The EvoLLLution.
- The Importance of Incremental Credentialing: Philanthropy View (with Wendy Sedlak. (7/29/2021). The EvoLLLution.
- The Importance of Incremental Credentialing: State System of Higher Education View (with Chris Rasmussen). (7/21/2021). The EvoLLLution.
- The Importance of Incremental Credentialing: An Employer’s View (with David Leaser). (7/15/2021). The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. (7/8/2021). Digital Platforms and Implications for Community Colleges. LinkedIn.
- The Rapidly Changing Global Landscape of Microcredentials (with George Lorenzo). (7/7/2021). The EvoLLLution.
- Nondegree Credentialing: A Global Issue -- A Report from the Nondegree Credential Research Network. (May 2021). George Washington Institute of Public Policy.
- The Unmudl Report: Community Colleges Powering the Skills-to-Jobs Marketplace. (May 2021). UNMUDL.
- What do transformer action figures and credentialing have in common? Medium / Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (4/21/2021)
- More Employers Are Awarding Credentials. Is A Parallel Higher Education System Emerging? Sean Gallagher (Columnist) and Holly Zanville. (3/25/2021. EdSurge.
- WorkRise: New Initiative to Transform the Labor Market. (3/22/2021). The EvoLLLution
- To Understand the Non-Degree Credentialing World, Go Global (with Stephen Crawford and Kyle W. Albert). (3/2/2021). The EvoLLLution.
- It’s Time for an Incremental Credentialing System (with Nan Travers and Larry Good). (1/7/2021). Medium.
- Zanville, H. Prior Learning Assessment: 2010, 2020, 2030. (1/2/2021). The EvoLLLution
- An Rx for an Ailing Postsecondary Education System: Credential As You Go (with Nan Travers and Larry Good), Medium (11/24/2020)
- Taking the Temperature of 3 Learn-and-Work Initiatives in a Pandemic. (11/12/2020. The EvoLLLution)
- COVID-19 Writes a Prescription for Change: Unbundling/Rebundling Learning (with Van Ton-Quinlivan, CEO, Futuro Health). (10/13/2020). The EvoLLLution.
- The Virus that Opened the Floodgates to Change (Interview with Mary Walshok, Associate Vice Chancellor for Public Programs and Dean of Extension, University of California San Diego). (09/2/2020). The EvoLLLution.
- Developing Skills That Lead to Jobs: Designing the New Normal with a Four-Point Plan? (with David Leaser, Senior Program Executive, Innovation/Growth Initiatives, IBM Support Transformation, Skills & Globalization). (08/2020). The EvoLLLution.
- Reflections on Education in a New Era of Work and Learning, Chapter 6, Credentials for a New Era of Work and Learning, New Directions for Community Colleges (Spring 2020)
- Aviation Maintenance during a Pandemic: The Inside Story (Interview with Larry Good, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce, and Ryan Goertzen, AAR). (08/2020).The EvoLLLution.
- Credentialing in the COVID-19 Landscape? (Interview with Sean Gallagher, Center for the Future of Higher Education & Talent Strategy, Northeastern University), Evolllution (07/2020)
- Embedding Certifications into Bachelor’s Degrees Could Improve Transitions into the Labor Market (Interview with Karen Elzey, Workcred). (5/2020). The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. (3/20/2020). An Updated Map to Help Us Navigate the Learn-And-Work Highway. The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. (10/2019). The edX Model Is One Promising Route to Education’s Future, The EvoLLLution.
- Zanville, H. (1/20/2019). Reflections on Credentialing: Past, Present and Future, The EvoLLLution.