GWIPP plays a multi-part role on campus that includes producing high-quality non-partisan research for foundations and governmental agencies, funding and mentoring graduate students, and providing valuable support services for GW faculty who engage in sponsored public-policy research.
GW Students
If you're a student hired as graduate research assistant (GRA), we can help you:
- Work closely with professional researchers on current policy issues
- Learn firsthand how to design and implement research projects
- Present research at conferences
- Submit articles for publication in academic journals
- Establish candidacy for positions in which employers are looking for graduates who have experience with funded or client-centered research
GW Faculty
If you're a GW faculty member, we can assist with generating and administering externally funded policy research including:
- Find research teams by identifying and recruiting other faculty with similar interests or skills useful to a project
- Fund the Shapiro Policy Research Scholar Program, which offers targeted assistance for faculty members pursuing external funding for policy research
- Identify potential external funding sources, many of which already have a funding relationship with GWIPP
- Monitor databases for research opportunities that may be of interest to GWIPP-affiliated faculty
- Design funding proposals, develop budgets, navigate the human subjects (IRB) process, and submit the proposals
- Administer and manage grants once awarded
We also provide substantive and methodological assistance, when desired and appropriate, through consultation and proposal review.
Substantive and methodological assistance are provided by the Director and Associate Director, who are available to read drafts of concept papers, letters of inquiry, and proposal drafts, to refer faculty to other sources and experts, on and off campus, and to organize workshops where draft proposals can be discussed.
GWIPP draws on the skills of the full range of university faculty, as well as the talents of GW's graduate research assistants, to carry out research projects.
GWIPP researchers have extensive experience in the academic, governmental, and nonprofit areas, and are well-suited to bring elements of each area to projects. Students are eager to learn from their academic mentors and often bring a fresh perspective to research projects.
GWIPP researchers have published extensively in their fields of expertise.