Non-degree Credentials Research Network (NCRN)
The Non-Degree Credentials Research Network (NCRN) is a project funded through a grant from Lumina Foundation and managed by researchers at GWIPP and Rutgers University.
Non-degree Credentials Research Network (NCRN)
The Non-Degree Credentials Research Network (NCRN) is a project funded through a grant from Lumina Foundation and managed by researchers at GWIPP and Rutgers University.
Learn & Work Ecosystem Library
Led by Holly Zanville assisted by the communications firm, Weathers Strategy Group, the Learn & Work Ecosystem Library is an initiative
Co-led by Holly Zanville with Dr. Nan Travers from SUNY Empire State College and Larry Good, CEO from the Corporation for a Skilled Workforce, Credential
Clone of Non-degree Credentials Research Network (NCRN)
The Non-Degree Credentials Research Network (NCRN) is a project funded through a grant from Lumina...
As directed by Congress, over three hundred federal spending programs rely on data derived from the Decennial Census to guide the geographic distribution
Federal Sources of Entrepreneurship Data: A Compendium
The E.M. Kauffman Foundation has asked the George Washington Institute of Public Policy (GWIPP) to prepare a compendium of federal sources
Program on Innovation and Small-Medium Enterprises (PRISM)
The health and well-being of the U.S. economy is a function of its competitiveness in global markets. That competitiveness, in turn, depends on innovation.
Company Outcomes Research for Evaluating SBIR (CORES)
Prepare a report on Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) awardee outcomes using data from SBA and Census.
To view the project page, click...
Non-Traditional Sources of Economic Data
Identify entrepreneurship and innovation data gathered from non-traditional sources such as privately held sources of administrative and transactional data.