Nationwide Data Infrastructure for Evidence-based Policy Analysis
Facilitate the development of a nationwide data infrastructure for evidence-based policy analysis. In particular:
Nationwide Data Infrastructure for Evidence-based Policy Analysis
Facilitate the development of a nationwide data infrastructure for evidence-based policy analysis. In particular:
Credential Transparency Initiative
In the course of three successive projects, researchers at GWIPP, with partners at Workcred and Southern Illinois University and advisors from higher education,
As directed by Congress, over three hundred federal spending programs rely on data derived from the Decennial Census to guide the geographic distribution
Using the Results from Rigorous National Evaluations to Inform Local Education Policy Decisions
Using the Results from Rigorous National Evaluations to Inform Local Education Policy Decisions
Improving Federal Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship Policies and Statistical Products
Improving Federal Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship Policies and Statistical Products
This project produced a guide for regional employer consortia to effectively use public and private data systems to build effective partnerships
Enhancing User Access to Available Labor Market Information
This project assisted CREC in identifying, assessing, and determining models of state practice for providing third-party access to
Identifying Uses of the American Community Survey
The project prepared a comprehensive description the federal statistical measures that are based on American Community Survey data and created a comprehensive
Improving Federal Statistical and Economic Policies
This project facilitated improvements in federal statistical and economic policies, particularly as they concern entrepreneurship and innovation.
Increasing Postsecondary Educational Attainment through Improved Education and Workforce Data
The project created technical assistance materials, research documents, communications, and a strategic plan for enabling labor market participants