Lauryn King
Lauryn King
Research Program Associate
Lauryn has been at GW for many years and has an extensive background working within GW systems.
Lauryn is responsible for maintaining and developing administrative systems for the Institute. In addition to ensuring the smooth daily operation of the Institute, she provides pre-award, post-award, and financials support, and oversees department and grant budgets. Additionally, she provides critical communications, design, and website support.
Please contact Lauryn if you need help with GWIPP-related:
- Purchasing
- Reimbursements
- REIA funds
- Vendor registration
- Timekeeping and payroll
- Budget support
- Research support
- Room reservations
- Website updates
- Technical support
PhD, Public Policy and Public Administration - The George Washington University
MPP, Social Policy - The George Washington University
BA, International Affairs and Sociology - The George Washington University
Tubal Sterilization And Vasectomy Increased Among US Young Adults After The Dobbs Supreme Court Decision In 2022
Julia Strasser, Ellen Schenk, Sara Luckenbill, Danielle Tsevat, Lauryn King, Qian Luo, and Julie Maslowsky
Health Affairs 2025 44:1, 99-107
Stratified Reproduction
Reproductive Justice
Reproductive Health Policy
Incarcerated Pregnant People and Mothers
Adolescent Contraceptive Behavior Post-Dobbs
In Partnership with the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health