Project Archive


Did Central Cities Come Back?

During the late 1990s, commentators frequently heralded the comeback of America’s cities. This project examined the extent to which cities

The Open Method of Coordination

The European Union has adopted procedures for identifying common member state goals for social welfare policy, monitoring progress toward attaining these ends,

The Development of a Curriculum for the Comparative Study of Local Politics

This project was given a Fulbright Alumni Award in April of 2003.  It followed Clarence Stone’s year as a Visiting Fulbright Professor

State Corporate Income Tax: Can (and Should) it be Saved?

This project focuses on several questions relevant to assessing the role of the corporate income tax in the system of state finance.

Maximizing Collaboration Among 2-1-1 Systems in the Greater Washington Region

The three-part research project was pegged to the imminent petition to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) by separate information and referral (I &R)

A Baseline for a Shared Understanding of Information and Referral in the Greater Washington Region

Funding:  Community Capacity Fund of Washington Grantmakers

Office Policy

This project involved work on a variety of issues of concern to the Social Security Administration, including policy related to support for

Housing and the Locational Attainment of Immigrants in Metropolitan America

This project has examined nativity-status differences in housing and neighborhood conditions in metropolitan America using data from

Does the Community Reinvestment Act Encourage Integration of Urban Communities? Mortgage Lending, Homeownership and Black Wealth Accumulation in Metropolitan America

This paper, which has been revised and resubmitted to Social Problems, examines the extent to which the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)

Managing Growth and Workforce Housing in Edge Counties

Researcher(s) completed detailed interviews with the primary policy officials responsible for growth management and affordable workforce housing